боомтгүй ус татамж
бесплотинный водозабор
Урсгал уснаас боомтгүйгээр ус авах байгууламж.
Эх сурвалж: Н.Чагнаа "Усны аж ахуйн нэр томьёоны тайлбар толь" УБ., 2006, х.39A typical river intake consists of a masonry or R.C.C., intake tower (or intake well or jack well) which is provided with several inlets called penstocks for withdrawing water from the river. The penstocks are located at different levels to permit the withdrawal of water even when the water level in the river drops. The inlet end of each penstock is provided with a screen to prevent the entry of floating debris. The penstocks are provided with valves to control the entry of water through them.
Source https://www.engineeringenotes.com/water-engineering-2/surface-water/intakes-types/types-of-intakes-water-collection-water-engineering/44456