Hydraulic structures terminology study

боомтын хяр

top of dam

гребень плотины

Боомтын дээд хэсэг; усан сангийн усны түвшинг өргөдөг.

Эх сурвалж: Орчуулга

Upper part of the dam; it rises the water level of the reservoir by several yards.

Source Merriam-Webster's compact visual dictionary p934

боомтын хяр

crest of a dam

гребень плотины

Боомтын тавцант нуруу

Эх сурвалж: Н.Чагнаа "Усны аж ахуйн нэр томьёоны тайлбар толь" 2006 х.38

The top of the dam not designed to flow water; also known as the top of dam.

Source https://dnr.wi.gov/topic/Dams/documents/FSNomenclature.pdf
Нэмэлт тайлбар

The term crest of dam is often used when top of spillway and top of dam should be used for referring to the overflow section and dam proper, respectively. ... May also use an upstream blanket placed on the impoundment floor and upstream embankment to prevent seepage entering the dam.
