Хайрга, чулуугаар дүүргэсэн тэгш өнцөгт болон цилиндр хэлбэртай, төмөр торон хайрцаг
Эх сурвалж: Монгол улсын стандарт: Усны нөөц, ус ашиглалт, хамгаалалт 2016 албан хэвлэл baskets or mattresses fabricated from wire mesh, filled with rock, and assembled to form overflow weirs, hydraulic drops, and overtopping protection for small embankment dams. Gabion baskets are stacked in a stair-stepped fashion, while mattresses are placed parallel to a slope. Gabions have advantages over loose riprap because of their modularity and rock confinement properties, thus giving erosion protection with less rock and with smaller rock sizes than loose riprap.
Source Guidelines on Instrumentation on Large dams by Central Water Commission Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation Government of India, June 2017, p.74pannier
Хайрга, чулуугаар дүүргэсэн тэгш өнцөгт болон цилиндр хэлбэртай, төмөр торон хайрцаг
Эх сурвалж: Монгол улсын стандарт: Усны нөөц, ус ашиглалт, хамгаалалт 2015 албан хэвлэлgabion (fr.)
Structure composed of masses of rocks, rubble or masonry held tightly together usually by wire mesh so as to form blocks or walls to prevent erosion.
Source EcoLexicon